Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cool facts

The rarest coffee in the world is Kopi Luwak, which is found in Indonesia. It cost about $300 a pound.

Coffee has about five times the amount of caffeine as a can of Coke.

On average, Americans eat one hundred acres of pizza a day. This amounts to about three hundred and fifty slices per second.

The highest consumption of Pizza occurs during Super Bowl week.

65% of the candy that is produced in an year is consumed by American adults 18 years and older.

Chewing gum has rubber as an ingredient.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

D.A.R.Y.L - a movie with my name

A young boy is found wandering without any memory of who he is. A family takes him in and begin to look for clues to help him find his way home. In the meantime, they notice that the boy seems to have certain special abilities, not usually found in kids his age, or even fully-grown adults.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Harry Potter Unscripted

'Harry Potter' superstars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint take a break from Hogwarts to talk about fame, their favorite fan moments and what will happen if Ron and Hermione hook up.

Part 1: In which Emma wishes she could play Snape.

Part 2: In which Daniel shares his craziest fan moment.

Part 3: In which Emma muses on kissing Rupert.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Aliens stole my pool!

North Jersey Media Group — Only one conclusion: aliens!

Someone stole 1,000 gallons of water from Daisy Valdivia’s backyard. And they didn’t spill a drop.

Valdivia woke Wednesday morning to find that her family’s inflatable pool, hip high and 10 feet in diameter and filled with water, was stolen from her backyard in the middle of the night. There is no evidence that the water was poured out, pumped out, evaporated or drunk.

“I’ve never heard of a pool being stolen, let alone one with water in it,” Valdivia said.

found by Rick Salsman

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Incredible Stupidity

This picture was taken by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw it in the parking lot of IHOP, he went to buy a camera to take pictures. The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust.

The driver finally came back after the police were called, and was found crouched behind the rear of the car, attempting to cut the twine around the load! Luckily, the police stopped him and had the load removed .The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said they made the customer sign a waiver.

While the plywood and 2X4's are fairly obvious, what you can't see is the back seat, which contains ( are you ready for this?) 10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs (36 kilos). each. They estimated the load weight at 3000 lbs (1,360 kilos). Both back tires exploded, the wheels bent and the rear shocks were driven through the floorboard.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Spider-Pig Trailer!

Jamaican me Crazy

A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

"Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time."

"You foul-mouthed sex obsessed swine," retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country we don't speak aloud in pubic places about our sex lives.........

"Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Who talkin' abouta sexa? I'm a justa tellin' my
frienda how to spella 'Mississippi'."


Thanks for the joke Erika!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Classic Sesame Street

Grover and the Hamburger

Cookie Monster & No Cookies in the Library

Cookie Monster and Cousin Monster

Computer Monster

Kermit, Lime in the Coconut

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Made from New Zealand

The speed of Internet in New Zealand

As relevant to us today as it was when it was recorded, this was filmed on September 14, 2006 by philipnewmannz.

Where the bloody hell are ya? New Zealand Style

New Zealand's take on the "Where the bloody hell are you" Australian commercial.

Spot the dog - 1990's Telecom New Zealand Ad

Full ad of spot, Telecom's mascot of the 1990's. Everyone's hero. Sadly Spot passed away in 1999. R.I.P Spot.
You will be forever remembered in Kiwi's hearts.

1979 Interview with Bob Marley in New Zealand

...and Lively up yourself from the New Zealand concert

Nova Shockwave paragliding in New Zealand

See kiwis CAN fly!

Simpsons Paris Hilton Clip

Monday, June 4, 2007

The ups and downs of Internet life

These hilarious cartoons were inspired by Robert Scoble and found on Dawnkey Notes.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Create your own Simpsons character

Create your own Simpsons character by picking hair, head, eyes, nose, etc. The picture of the left is a character I call snee snudle, below is George Forgone.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Little Becky calls a demolition company

Kiwi kids remember...

From the I was a Kiwi Kid" Facebook group:

You know that you were a Kiwi Kid if you can remember these things...

Hide and seek/spotlight in the park, the corner dairy, hopscotch, four square, go carts, cricket in front of the garbage bin and inviting everyone on your street to join in, skipping (double dutch), gutterball, handstands, elastics, bullrush, catch and kiss, footy on the best lawn in the street, slip'n'slides, the trampoline with water on it (or a sprinkler under it), hula hoops, jumping in puddles with gumboots on, mud pies and building dams in the gutter. The smell of the sun and fresh cut grass.

'Big bubbles no troubles' with Hubba Bubba bubble gum. A topsy. Mr Whippy cones on a warm summer night after you've chased him round the block. 20 cents worth of mixed lollies lasted a week and pretending to smoke "cigarettes" (the lollies) was really cool!.. A dollars' worth of chips from the corner take-away fed two people (AND the sauce was free!!).

Being upset when you botched putting on the temporary tattoo from the Bubblegum packet, but still wearing it proudly. Watching Saturday morning cartoons: 'The Smurfs', 'AstroBoy', 'He-man', 'Captain Caveman', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', 'Jem' (trulyoutrageous!!), 'Super d'', and 'Heeeey heeeeey heeeeeeey it's faaaaaaat Albert'. Or staying up late and sneaking a look at the "AO" on the second telly, being amazed when you watched TV right up until the 'Goodnight Kiwi!'

When After School with Jason Gunn & Thingie had a cult following and What Now was on Saturday mornings! When around the corner seemed a long way, and going into town seemed like going somewhere. Where running away meant you did laps around the block because you weren't allowed to cross the road?? A million mozzie bites, wasp and bee stings.

Goodies & baddies, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, riding bikes until the streetlights came on and catching tadpoles in horse troughs.

Going down to the school swimming pool when you didn't have a key and your friends letting you in, drawing all over the road and driveway with chalk. Climbing trees and building huts out of every sheet your mum had in the cupboard (and never putting them back folded). Walking around in bare feet, no matter what the weather.

Running till you were out of breath. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt. Pitching the tent in the back/front yard (and never being able to find all the pegs). Jumping on the bed. Singing into your hair brush in front of the mirror, making mix tapes...

Sleepovers, pillowfights, spinning round, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for the giggles. The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team. Water balloons were the ultimate weapon. Weetbix cards pegged on the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle. Collecting WWF and garbage pail kids cards.

Eating raw jelly and raro, making homemade lemonade and sucking on a Rad, a traffic light popsicle, or a Paddle Pop!

You knew everyone in your street - and so did your parents! It wasn't odd to have two or three "best friends" and you would ask them by sending a note asking them to be your best friend.

You didn't sleep a wink on Christmas eve and tried (and failed) to wait up for the tooth fairy. When nobody owned a pure-bred dog. When 50c was decent pocket money. When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for 10c.

When nearly everyone's mum was there when the kids got home from school. When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at the local Chinese restaurant or Cobb'n'Co with your family. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed her or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.

Remember when decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo" or dib dib's-scissors, paper, rock. "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest. Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.

Terrorism was when the older kids were at the end of your street with pea-shooters waiting to ambush you, or the neighbourhood rottie chased you up a tree!

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was boy/girl germs, and the worst thing in your day was having to sit next to one. Where bluelight disco's were the equivalent to a Rave, and asking a boy out meant writing a 'polite' note getting them to tick 'yes' or 'no'.

Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot. Your biggest danger at school was accidentally getting caught up in a game of bullrush.

Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better. Taking drugs meant Scoffing orange-flavoured chewable vitamin C's, or swallowing half a Panadol. Ice cream was considered a basic food group. Going to the beach and catching a wave was a dream come true. Boogie boarding in the white wash made you the next Kelly Slater. Abilities were discovered because of a "double- dare".

Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.